Before getting waxed, make sure:

  • Your hair is at least 1/4 inch long

  • It has been at least 4 weeks since your last wax or 3 weeks since you've shaved

  • You exfoliate with a gentle body scrub to get ingrown hairs out

  • You are not on any skin-sensitive medications such as Retin-A, Accutane, Differin, or Renova

  • You do not apply any creams or oils to your body that will prevent wax from sticking to the hair

  • You have avoided a long period of sun exposure prior to appointment

  • You let me know if there are any concerns, sensitivities, or intolerances before service

  • Freshen up! It's more pleasant if you come in fresh and clean.

After being waxed:

  • Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours

  • Avoid heavy exercise and sweat inducing activities (sauna, steam room, etc.)

  • DO NOT shave.. Trust me

  • Flaunt your bare areas

  • Remember to book your appointment 4 weeks from now

If your hair is too short, not all of it will be removed and you will still be responsible for full payment of the appointment. If you've shaved in between appointments, the hair will be more stubborn and resistant. The more consistently you wax, the more quickly and easily your hair will be removed. Waxing will not give you 100% results, but I will get you close. For your own comfort, it is best not to wax during your menstrual cycle. 

Services are by appointment only. To avoid any disruptions in service, we ask that you arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. If you need to cancel for any reason, I ask that you give me 24 hour notice. If you are more than 5 minutes late for your appointment, I may not be able to accommodate you. No-Shows will NOT be rescheduled. Hope to wax you soon!