The best way to schedule is to text your FULL name, services needed, and days/times that work for you. The more options you give, the more likely you will get an appointment. I only schedule appointments week to week typically. I DO NOT take appointments through Yelp, E-mail, or Instagram.

(408) 476-4214

We hope to get you in at the most convenient time for you! Feel free to text or call us for same day appointments. It is always best to schedule your appointment 3-7 days in advance. (Please understand I may not respond immediately if I am out of the salon or working on clients. If I don't respond within 24 hours, please text or call again as I may not have seen the message)


By Appointment Only.

Tuesday-Saturday:  11:00-7:00 by appointment ONLY

Sunday + Monday-Closed

Find us on Venmo before your appointment for quick checkout @HoneyWaxBar